JAN 30 2023 – Document Power Unleashed: Smart Filters, Summary Sheets, Fields Editor and Beyond!

Filtering Smart Fields

Users can now filter the list of smart fields by various criteria to quickly find specific smart fields. Items in the list can be filtered by the values in any column that features a search magnifier beside its name, and also by the criteria available in the filters dropdown menu.

Wherever you used to see "Contract", you will now read "Document" instead.

Beyond contracts, Fairlynk can be used to manage a variety of legal documents, including but not limited to:

  • Corporate governance documents, such as articles of incorporation, bylaws, and meeting minutes
  • Intellectual property documents, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights
  • Employment documents, such as employment agreements, non-disclosure agreements, and non-compete agreements
  • Real estate documents, such as deeds, leases, and mortgages
  • Estate planning documents, such as wills and trusts
  • Government filings and registrations, such as business licenses and tax registrations
  • Compliance documents, such as regulatory filings, audits, and certifications
  • Litigation documents, such as pleadings, discovery documents, and settlement agreements
  • Financial documents, such as loan agreements, promissory notes, and guarantees.

More enriched summary sheet

We have enriched the summary sheet with more sections such as “Who has access”, “Smart fields” and “Editable fields”. The summary sheet can be accessed by clicking on the “Summary” button in the left sidebar. Once the summary sheet is open, users can view and edit the sections provided.

Fields editor

Introducing the latest addition to Fairlynk’s already impressive suite of features: The Fields editor. A powerful tool that allows you to quickly and easily fill in fields across multiple pages of your document. Rather than having to navigate through each page individually to fill in each field, the Fields editor allows you to select the fields you want to fill in and do so in one convenient location. This saves you time and effort, and ensures that your document is filled in accurately and consistently.

PowerPoint: A new extension is now supported for uploading documents

The PowerPoint extension is now supported for uploading documents in Fairlynk. This means that users can now upload their PowerPoint documents directly to the platform without having to convert them to PDF. This is a great feature for users who usually work with PowerPoint to draft their legal documents and would like to import them into Fairlynk to take advantage of the features offered by the platform such as sharing, reporting, e-signature…

In conclusion, Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) best practices are the cornerstone of effective contract management. By centralizing contracts, standardizing processes, automating workfl ows, and fostering collaboration, organizations can unlock effi ciency, reduce risks, and enhance contract outcomes. Embrace these practices, and your organization will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of modern contract management successfully.